Simply Sassy

Simply Sassy




Defined as; lively, bold, cheeky and full of spirit.

I guess you can say on a daily basis I can be very sassy. I believe sassy is an attitude, something we portray to others. I've not always had an attitude but it’s something I taught myself as a defence mechanism towards people who bullied me. For almost as long as I can remember, I have been bullied about my weight. I'm twenty-four years old and still today get grownups who cyber-bully my posts on Instagram and Facebook. Dealing with the nasty, unnecessary comments these people have to offer me is a challenge. Slowly and I mean probably as slow as a turtle in a 800m race learnt that I, Teegan Julie Walsh am a beautiful, confident, cheeky, sarcastic, crazy, lovable human being. 
For the most part of my life, I never thought I'd be good enough for anybody. Not good enough to walk outside my house without make-up or covering myself head to toe so that I wouldn't offend the world with my moonlight skin and rolls for days. Believing this for so long it became my mindset about myself. I was not going to change so why bother trying? That was until I hit my twenties, found some new friends who had the perfect bodies that I knew that fitting into the crowd was vital to be liked. I dropped 40kg during this process thanks to a dear friend of mine. Kat was amazing, I owe a big part of my happiness to her. The dedication and belief I was going be like those other girls and boys might start to like me. The motivation and looking back on it now, wasn't the best I could have had on it. Unfortunately, life changes and people grow apart. By this time I was left by myself because I started to change. My priorities in life changed to look after my Nanna who was sick. 
 My Nanna taught me a lot when she moved in with us four years ago. Having no tact in anything she said, Nanna often poked fun at my weight. We could go weeks without talking because I was so angry at her. I knew she didn't mean to upset me that her lack of education when she was a kid was the reason but my strong willed personality prevented me from giving in. In Nanna's defence she always said I was the most beautiful girl she’s ever seen, and Nanna watched a lot of TV. I know she meant it, she always said it and I loved her for it because she was the only person who genuinely meant it without wanting anything in return. Except for a Canadian Club or two when she didn't want to leave the lounge chair. During this hard time, I needed to focus on myself. I decided that for me to be 100% happy in myself I needed to be the best person mentally and physically. 

At the start of 2016, I enlisted my bartender to help me with this mission. Yes, you are probably reading this saying bartender equals alcohol. Usually this is the case but in my situation it meant my Bartender Timmy became Drillmaster Personal Trainer Timmy or for short, The Devil. Tim has really helped my progress not only physically but mentally. During the time with the online bullying and some injuries I've sustained, Tim tailored my program to suit my lifestyle. My lifestyle = work, football, shots + cheeseburgers and pickles, losing shoes, fall into garden, sleep, hangover & repeat. It was a hard process learning to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed and fast food but the reward was so much greater. 
  After finally working out something that worked for me, I saw the results of my hard work and my mindset changed. I found what made me happy, what makes Teegan... Teegan. I started to forget about the stupid comments being said about me, that I found me. As a result, my body changed and a glow appeared that couldn't be taken away. During this process I started talking to new people who seem to understand me more than I understood myself, I even found the male version of myself. Who would of thought that was possible, a male version of me, and a genuine guy with a killer personality that made me feel so much better about myself. He made me feel worthy of happiness, he still does to this day. I don't know what I would do without him, because he's my pillar of strength some days. Words can't describe how thankful I am to those who have come into my life over the last year plus the people who have stuck around for many years supporting me. It's taken over twenty-four years for me to realise that hiding away and listening to trolls isn't what life is about. It's about embracing the now, owning your sass and confidence and knowing you are impacting people’s life positively through your actions. 
 I want to be the change I want to see in the world. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself! This blog is about embracing life and every adventure and moment. It's a carefree place where you can read about all my adventures of being "plus" size or as I like to call it "Fun" size. I'm writing this to empower those who don't think they can, the people who are just like I was. Remember life is too short to worry about what happened yesterday, just live in the moment



Simply Sassy x






































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