Finding Happiness

Happiness is defined as:

the feeling that comes over you when you know life is good and you can't help but smile. It's the opposite of sadness. Happiness is a sense of well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel happiness.

 I guess for the most part of my life I have searched for happiness in various places. Sometimes it feels like going window shopping, you walk aimlessly up and down looking into random windows searching for that perfect thing. The problem is, you don't know what that "thing" you are actually looking for. I know I'm only young in the big picture of life, being twenty-four and single you just wonder whats next.

Last year, I lost so many people in my life. I didn't just lose them because they passed away, but I lost friends I have had for years. I guess we all hate growing up and growing apart from those who were there when you just became an adult. The ones that taught you how to have fun and not worry about the small things. But over the last the last six months when life decided to test me, I saw most run away and not really care about my well-being. 
Instead I felt alone, scared and lost within myself. 

See everyone always thinks this confident girl can combat all negativity in her life, I assure you that is 119% not the case. When I lost my Nanna I felt like I lost apart of myself, apart of who I was, apart of my happiness. I always believe that everything happens for a reason and people come into your life for a reason and they leave for another. Those who stick around during the hard times, well they are the real MVPs of your life.
They say your happiness shouldnt depend on other people and I agree to an extent. 
 But over the last month and a half, I have realized apart of my happiness is because people who actually show the same Respect to our friendship as I did. Most of my friendships in the past have been a one-way street. 

I could almost compare my search for happiness like a snail in a race against a human.... very very slow but I can see the finish line, it hasn't been an easy race. 
I remember the day a random guy added me on Facebook. It's now how things go these days with social media. He had one mutual friend who I knew, he supported an opposition Football Club. I remember our first message like it was yesterday  
"Hey, Do you go to the Broncos games?" 
For those who are reading this, Broncos are a sports team that play Rugby League. 
I replied with "No, I don't whys that?"  his response to this would absolutely shock me and change my opinion on men.  
"Ah, Was going try have a drink with you while I'm up here. Always try and catch up with other A-league fans while I'm around the country and I'm heading to the Broncos on Friday night"

Never in my life had I been recognized as a football supporter... I was utterly speechless. From that day I knew I had found somebody special. Somebody who really took the time to get to know me. Two years later, we have been on a rollercoaster of friendship. He's shown me exactly what a friend should be. Somebody that puts a smile on your face daily, knows when your sad and knows exactly how to cheer you up. Friendships are about supporting each other during the good, bad and ugly... usually its intoxication with me and the endless snapchats. But most of all, it's about not judging somebody and remembering that everyone has insecurities in themselves but reminding them how amazing they are with their flaws. 

 I guess you could say, he put that smile back on my face. He reminded me of how happy I can be when I believe in myself. All it takes is one person, who you think the world of to show you that life is better when you just be yourself. 

Happiness isn't about the fancy cars, the money or how many friends you have on Facebook. 
Happiness is about learning who you are through good and bad situations. 
Happiness is growing through hurt or anger.
Happiness is the amazing memories, taking time out to appreciate the small things in life such as sunrises, sunsets, a funny moment shared between friends, finding a job you love, finding friends who actually have your back.
Happiness is however you want to define it according to your own rules. 
You create your own happiness because the only person who can judge you on it... is you.    



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